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QCzech Qiskit Fall Fest 2024 – Harmonogram

QCzech Qiskit Fall Fest 2024 – Harmonogram

Are you a seasoned quantum veteran or just taking baby steps to learn more about the intriguing field of quantum computing? ⚛️ Then you are in the right place, because QCzech together with Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU prepared a little something 🎁 for you as a part of this year’s IBM Qiskit Fall Fest!

Two months – October and November – packed up with lectures, hands-on experience, lab tours, and networking. And psss we will have a special host from IBM Quatum as well.

Sounds exciting, right? So what are you waiting for? Sign up below!

Officially starting in...


The QBronze workshop is designed for complete newcomers to quantum computing and quantum programming. There are no prerequisites except a basic understanding of programming (variables, loops, and conditionals). The workshop uses Qiskit, a Python software framework, for creating and executing quantum circuits.

The QBronze workshop will take place online from 14. 10. to 18. 10. during the evening hours.

Details here!

Topics covered:

  • Basics of classical systems
  • Quantum programs as circuits
  • Quantum operators on a quantum bit
  • Entanglement and basics quantum protocols
  • Quantum search algorithm

For additional information about the workshop see the QWorld website.

Come and meet many amazing students focused on quantum computing and quantum information from all over the Czech Republic, and listen to talks about their research and other activities to get inspired!

The first set of talks will take place on Friday 25. 10., and the second a week later, on Friday 1. 11.

Both events will be held in-person in Prague.

Venue: Břehová 78/7, Room 115 (first floor, right in front of the staircase)

Time: 16:30

Register here!


First event – 25. 10.:

To be announced
Variational Quantum Algorithms for Electronic Structure Calculations
Speaker: Ivana Miháliková
Annotation: This work explores the electronic structure of the binary crystal gallium arsenide, employing Variational Quantum Deflation and the Subspace Search Variational Quantum Eigensolver to access the full energy spectrum. A tight-binding Hamiltonian is used to investigate the effects of optimization methods, hyperparameter tuning, and quantum circuit architecture on the performance of these variational quantum algorithms.

Quantum computing in fluid dynamics simulations
Speaker: Matěj Šicner
Annotation: Fluid dynamics simulations often involve solving systems of linear equations derived from discretized differential equations. Quantum algorithms like VQLS and HHL offer more efficient methods for solving these equations, improving simulation performance.

To be announced

Second event – 1. 11.:

Critical phenomena and their influence on quantum simulations
Speaker: Jan Střeleček
Annotation: In quantum simulations, an energy gap is always encountered and it closes with the increasing number of qubits. How significantly does such criticality influence the scaling of quantum computers? How can we study this?

Talk 2
Title: to be announced
Speaker: Eliška Krátká
Annotation: to be announced

The QSilver workshop builds on QBronze and delves deeper into the Qiskit software kit and more advanced quantum programming. Completion of the QBronze workshop, or the content of any other equivalent introductory course, is a prerequisite.

The QSilver workshop will take place online from 4. 11. to 8. 11. during the evening hours.

Details here!

Topics covered:

  • Introduction to complex numbers
  • Bloch Sphere
  • Quantum gates with complex numbers
  • Quantum Fourier Transform
  • Shor’s algorithm

For additional information about the workshop see QWorld website.

More tours to be announced!

Register here!

New Technologies Centre
Date: 21 october
Place: Plzeň (Pilsen)


Venue for the in-person events

The in-person student talks will be held in Room 115 at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University.

Břehová 78/7
115 19 Staré Město, Praha
Česká republika


The Qiskit Fall Fest is a regular event supported by IBM Quantum. Every year, schools around the world sign up to organize quantum events. This year, for the first time, there are many exciting events happening in the Czech Republic as well.

Developed by IBM Quantum, Qiskit is a Python software development kit (SDK) that allows users to design, transpile, and execute quantum circuits. The execution can be done either on a local simulator or on an actual IBM quantum computer, accessible on the cloud for free.

Participation in all parts of the event is completely free of charge. We are, however, unable to provide any reimbursement for travel-/accommodation-related costs.

Organizers & contact

In case of any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

Denisa Vítková

  • QCzech vice coordinator
  • IBM Quantum Qiskit Advocate

David Chudožilov

  • FNSPE, CTU student focused on quantum networks
  • QCzech vice coordinator

Aurél Gábris

  • Deputy head of the Department of Physics, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU
  • Chair of the QWorld Association
  • QCzech Coordinator

Dominik Váňa

  • FNSPE, CTU quantum technology student