Upcoming events
- QCourse 514-2: Master’s Course on Quantum Programming and ComputingWelcome to the master’s level course QCourse514-2 “Quantum Programming and Computing!” Our qcourse is available by a collaboration between QWorld and CTU Prague (Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University of Prague). QCourse514-2 is formally linked to the course with code 02QPRGA in the Quantum Technologies master’s program of CTU. The course is also included in the DigiQ shared courses, the EuroTeQ course catalogue. This edition is free, fully online, and open for graduate-level students from all around the world, however, priority is given to students from rom DigiQ partners and the QWorld network. Tentative time for lectures and… Read more: QCourse 514-2: Master’s Course on Quantum Programming and Computing
Recent events
- QCourse 514-1: Master’s Course on Quantum Programming and ComputingWelcome to the master’s level course QCourse514-1 “Quantum Programming and Computing!” Our qcourse is available by a collaboration between QWorld and CTU Prague (Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University of Prague). QCourse514-1 is formally linked to the course with code 02QPRGA in the Quantum Technologies master’s program of CTU. The course is also included in the DigiQ shared courses, the EuroTeQ course catalogue, as well as in the QTEdu Open Masterprogramme. This edition is free, fully online, and open for graduate-level students from all around the world, however, priority is given to students from Ukraine, local partners, the… Read more: QCourse 514-1: Master’s Course on Quantum Programming and Computing
- QSilver11 | Quantum Computing and Programming | 21-25 June 2022We are pleased to announce our first QSilver workshop organized jointly by QSlovakia & QCzech. Join us for the intermediate workshop using two quantum programming frameworks, Cirq and Qiskit to learn about quantum Fourier transform and Shor’s algorithm. Organizers: Viktor Olejár (Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice) and Aurél Gábris (FNSPE CTU-Prague)
- QBronze90 | Quantum Computing and Programming | 6-10 June 2022We are pleased to announce our next QBronze workshop organized jointly by QSlovakia & QCzech. Join us for the introductory workshop “Quantum Computing and Programming” and learn the basics of quantum computing and how to write simple quantum programs. Organizers: Viktor Olejár (Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice) and Aurél Gábris (FNSPE CTU-Prague)
- Quantum Eastern Europe 20225 – 6 May 2022. Quantum Eastern Europe (QEE) was a 2-day online event that brought together those stakeholders in Eastern Europe for whom quantum science and technology is relevant. The aim of the event was to raise awareness and transfer knowledge about quantum science and technology, foster synergies and collaborations between academia, industry, government, and interested individuals, and thereby strengthen the quantum ecosystem in this geographical area.
- QBronze52 | Quantum Computing and Programming | February 8-13, 2021Our first workshop on the “basics of quantum computing and quantum programming” was a great success! We have issued 47 diplomas to a fantastic group of participants!